BCA Europe Convention
Berlin Germany - 2nd till 5th August 2018
Hostel Reservation
CheckInhostel - Markgrafenstr 68, 10969 Berlin
Rates available ONLY till June 8th 2018
How to Reserve
1. Contact oa@check-in-hostel.de with passcode "BCA" via E-mail
2. Request for one of the following exclusive rates and provide number of days:
Single Rooms: 71 EUR/night (3 rooms left)
6 Bed Rooms: 25 EUR/night
8 Bed Rooms: 20 EUR/night
3. Hostel will confirm total price and requst Credit Card details
4. Credit card will be charged immediately and confirmation provided.
5. Alternatively call +49 (0)30 25 92 37 97
Recommended Hotels nearby
1. Marriot Courtyard Berlin City Center
2. Angleterre Hotel Berlin
Convention Hall
Gloria Event Center, Markgrafenstr 67, 10969 Berlin
Convention Prices
Thursday August 2nd 2018 - Sight Seeing
Friday August 3rd 2018 - Football Tournament
Friday August 3rd 2018 - Fundraising Gala
Entrance Fee - 25 EUR
Saturday August 4th 2018 - Convention Gala
Entrance Fee - 30 EUR
Saturday August 4th 2018 - Gala Night
Entrance Fee - 15 EUR
Diamond Table (700 EUR)
- 2 Bottles of Champagne Ruinart
- 2 Bottles of Whiskey Johnny Walker double Black and 18 year old Chivas
- Finger Food
- 6 free entrances
Gold Table (500 EUR)
- 2 Bottles of Champagne Moet Chandon or Veuve
- 2 Bottles of Whiskey of choice (Jack Daniel & Black Label)
- Finger Food
- 6 free entrances
Convention Tables (120 EUR - 150 EUR)
- 1 Bottle of Champagne Moet or Veuve (150 EUR - 4 free entrances)
- 1 Bottle of Whiskey Hennessey (130 EUR - 4 free entrances)
- 1 Bottle of Whiskey Jack Daniel (120 EUR - 4 free entrances)
Sight Seeing Package
15 EUR for adults
7,50 EUR for children above 7
Free for Children below 7
Upfront Payment
1. Please transfer your payments directly to the following account:
BCA Germany
IBAN: DE03100700240259988400
Deutsche Bank
Ensure to specify the names of the recipient, so the appropriate badegs can be printed.
2. Transfer through Paypal:
Details to follow shortly.